Tuesday, February 06, 2007


You know how when you are soooo tired and you lay down and ... then you just lay there. For hours on end staring at the ceiling, watching the minutes tick by on the clock. I have been doing that for at least the last week and a half. Never fail, all night. Maybe getting like 2 hours of sleep.

Well finally I slept great last night. I modified my leg pillow situation. I had been using one pillow between my legs (to keep my hips even) and that just wasn't cutting it anymore. I now sleep with two pillows, big pillows between my knees.

It was HEAVEN! I swear to you, I have never been so grateful to wake up in the morning. Well rested. Now I have no excuse to get out of doing housework. Dammit. Oh well, I guess I'd better go do those dishes that have been in the sink now for like 3 days.

Hopefully I will be able to sleep again tonight, cause now that I know it can be accomplished I can't go back to sleep deprivation. I just can't.


  1. well it looks like I will have to enable word verification. Dammit.

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