Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Best laid plans
Monday, May 28, 2007
LOOK! Shiny
Just chillin', figuring out his playmat
Rolling over. Seriously, 1 month and 4 days old. Can't believe it.
Bath time. He's loving it.Thursday, May 17, 2007
If there isn't enough stress in my life...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Disappearing Act
Thursday, March 29, 2007
It apparently went awesomely. They want to know how soon of a posession date is possible. And we have two more viewings scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Hopefully we wind up with a bidding war. That would rock.
Ummm, what else... mymom ordered me my crib. Wont get it until July. Thats right 4 months from now. Great. I ordered my stroller and car seat. Wont get it until April 14th. So I have no idea how we'lll get him home from the hospital without one. (we won't) No, I'm not stressed at all. I've only been waking up with migraines every morning because I have been sleeping with my teeth clenched. But stress? Nah. I've got none of that.
Except the fact that today my son tried to scare the fuck out of me by refusing to move at all, all day. Despite the fact I ate super amounts of sugar trying to wake him up (great for the gestational diabetes). SO I went to the Dr to get checked out, and his heart rate is fine (slower than normal for him but still good). I go for a non-stress test at the hospital tomorrow. Hopefully everything checks out, but my Dr didnt seem too worried.
My mom says its a sign that hes going to be coming soon. I'm not sure how I feel about that. BECAUSE I AM NOT READY FOR IT. But at the same time I am.
Nothing else new at this point so... I will keep you all posted.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Fine then
The little bugger gets bigger and bigger every single day. I cannot wait for him to come out. Only, yes I can because I am so not ready for him to come yet. I have for him so far a swing, a tub, clothes and...roughly that's it. My mom has said she was ordering me a crib, but I have yet to see it. So if he is born anytime soon he will be sleeping in his swing.
So Sarah, this post is for you. Bribe me and ye shall receive. Sears is also fine, yes there is one here and actually I registered there. I was promised a shower by someone here and she never actually came through even though she told every one that she was going to do it. So I made a registry for nothing. Or for my benefit I guess. Whatever.
Enjoy the pictures. Don't laugh too hard. And if you do, don't tell me.
My poor poor tattoo. It didn't know what it was in for. You can also see that my belly button is popped. Pretty.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
An open letter
Dear sir,
Thank you for everything you sacrificed in going to war for our country. It is very much appreciated and I mean that. From the bottom of my heart.
However, it is generally not accepted practice to pull out onto a highway in front of a car going highway speed, and not having looked. I really thought it was fun to have to swerve into the ditch to avoid hitting you since you were aimed at my side of the car.
You should consider yourself very lucky that I am 8 MONTHS pregnant, otherwise I would have destroyed your car (and mine for that matter) and not have cared at all about how much that would scare the crap out of you.
You are also very lucky to have not pulled over and stopped at all before I turned to go to my Dr's appoinment, otherwise I would've got out of the car and reamed you a new one. And with my temper lately, you wouldn't have wanted that. I can be one scary bitch. Ask my husband.
I also really enjoyed that since my horn doesn't work, you didn't even know that you nearly killed a pregnant woman. Didn't even know I was there. So, thank you.
I used to be very lenient towards old people keeping their licences. Especially those who put their lives at risk in the war to protect our country. Veterans had a special place in my heart and I felt we should give them a little leeway.
I can stand the slow driving, lack of signal use, and occasional lane weaving. However when they pull out across a lane of traffic onto a highway in front of a car going 100km/hr and never even notice, there are some steps that need to be taken against your right to hold a driver's licence.
Just because you risked your life many many years ago, does not mean you now have the right to risk my life and that of my unborn child. And everyone else on the road for that matter.
PS As you can tell, I made it back from Jamaica without incident, and am still incubating this little parasite.
PSS As you can also probably tell, I am so done being pregnant at this point. His eviction notice has been served.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Jamaica, Mon!
I am nervous about how my animals will take being in a kennel as they've never done that before. I am also worried because we already started to pack up the house a bit and that freaked them out pretty good, so I hope they don't think they've been abandoned.
I suppose I'll get over it though.
Anyway, I am not happy about the way the alterations to my bridesmaid dress turned out. It looks like a tent. Seriously. Adam saw it and asked why Marie picked such ugly dresses. I had to tell him that it wasn't the dress's fault. It was his. He didn't like that very much, and informed me that I was there too. Whatever, plausible deniability. I can claim I dont remember. He REALLY didn't like that.
So I should get back to packing and such. Just wanted to let you all know I won't be posting for a week. Not that that is all that out of the ordinary for me these days. Everyone have a good week and wish me luck that I dont go into labor.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
End of an Era
I'm kinda upset about it though. Adam thinks it's funny, and had been bugging me to do it for a while now.
I've taken out my belly ring.
Well to be perfectly honest, the decision was made for me.
By the screen door. I was opening it to go inside and it got caught on the handle and ripped out. Didn't rip the hole, but broke the ring in half and scratched a big line across my stomach. It looks really pretty.
And Fuck, did it hurt. I damn near dropped to my knees on the deck. I must've scared the crap out of Adam because he came running to see why I screamed. I think he thought I was in labor.
Which at this point I would be so ready for. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. I do not think I can last another 6 weeks and 4 days. Although, I will ask that he stay in there for at least another three weeks, so I can go to Jamaica. That would be very much appreciated from him. (Did you hear that baby? Stay put for 18 more days, at least.)
Holy crap, we leave for Jamaica in 10 days. I cannot believe that. I'm excited, but not at the same time. Hard to explain...
But that's a whole other post.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day
Anyway on a completely unrelated subject, I failed my glucose Tolerance test on Friday, so there is a good chance I have gestational diabetes. I only failed by .2 , so not by much. They like to see under 7.8 and I got 8. Oh well, now I get to go see a dietician.
The test itself wasn't that bad. They make you drink a drink that is essentially orange drink like from Mc Donalds but with EXTRA sugar. And then you aren't allowed to walk around for an hour and then they take your blood. We got bored in the waiting room just sitting there, and we wanted to take a look around the maternity ward. So hubby went and got a wheelchair and pushed me around the hospital. Our maternity tour lasted all of 5 minutes and there was like three rooms. All were empty. and so was the nursery. Which is kinda funny because I was worried about maybe having to get a private room, but seriously. I will probably be the only person in the whole ward.
Thats all I know for now, so I've got to go paint some things so we can put our house up for sale. Because we are moving. Again. Yay! This was the thing I wasn't allowed to talk about before because nothing was for sure at that point.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Well finally I slept great last night. I modified my leg pillow situation. I had been using one pillow between my legs (to keep my hips even) and that just wasn't cutting it anymore. I now sleep with two pillows, big pillows between my knees.
It was HEAVEN! I swear to you, I have never been so grateful to wake up in the morning. Well rested. Now I have no excuse to get out of doing housework. Dammit. Oh well, I guess I'd better go do those dishes that have been in the sink now for like 3 days.
Hopefully I will be able to sleep again tonight, cause now that I know it can be accomplished I can't go back to sleep deprivation. I just can't.
Friday, February 02, 2007
And it's a...
Haha, aren't I funny? Okay, but in all seriousness, it's a beautiful baby BOY!
He wouldn't cooperate for a 3d picture of his bits, but we got a regular one to show the hubby. No he couldn't come because I didn't want to subject the dogs to another 12hours of driving in a day. (I only came down for the day, it was a very quick trip. To the appointment and then home)
Needless to say hubby was very VERY excited to learn that 'he' was having a boy. He thinks he's the man because two of his brothers have kids and they both had girls.
Baby is currently about 3lbs and 2ozs and the utlrasound tech was predicting an 8lb baby. OUCH!! Come on, seriously I was a 6lb baby. Why does my little man have to be so big?
Baby is also very active and wouldn't stop moving through the whole ultrasound. He kept reaching for his feet and at one point had his big toe in his nose. His mouth was constantly open (taking after daddy already) and he even gave us the finger (also like daddy).
Now to talk him out of naming the baby Junior. And I wish I was kidding. Now I need to go lay down, I seem to have been infected with this flu that's going around (yay, thanks hubby)
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Best Day Ever...
So you know how I was in Saskatchewan for a month? I was there that long waiting for my dad to fix my car. I loved it. Custom paint color and everything. Made to look like it was a Z24, when it was simply a cavalier.
Can anyone guess where this is going?
That's right everyone, my car was in an accident last night. Well, I guess I was too. I hit a fucking deer. In town. Going 10km under the speed limit even. Although in the interest of full disclosure, the bastard ran into me. Drivers fender. It looks really pretty now.
I have had my car back for 9 days. My dad has had it for over a year, and seriously not even two weeks back, it gets wrecked. Can you fucking believe my luck?
Seriously though, I blame my dad. This is because he called me every day to see if I'd wrecked my car yet. He jinxed it. Even he thinks so. At least they didn't tell my brothers yet, cause I don't think I would be able to handle the harassing.
The part that really had me crying is that just yesterday I had made an appointment in Calgary at a 4d ultrasound place and wasn't sure I would still be able to go. I've decided I'm still going. Cause if I didn't take that appointment they wouldn't be able to get me in until the end of February. And that just wasn't cool with me.
Can you guys imagine how the phone call with my dad went last night? Hi dad, guess what? I just fucking wrecked my damn car! How does this make you feel? Honestly though, I was too chicken shit to talk directly to him so I told my mom. Apparently he had to go lay down and cuddle his dog and tell him his problems.
PS Sarah, my parents have another dog now, my dad found a puppy the day I left. So Parker has a new little brother (rolls eyes). Another dog hitting the fucking jackpot in life.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Happy New Year!
I have been back home now for about a week and a half, so yes I've been being lazy. I was back in Saskatchewan for almost a month, and am a little glad to be home. Needless to say Hubby is happy for me to be home. He literally lost five pounds while I was gone. And was feeding the poor cat dog food cause he ran out of cat food. The cat was REALLY happy to see me.
My family spoiled the shit out of me for christmas. I have more maternity clothes than most people have regular clothes. It's great to fit comfortably into clothes. I definitely look pregnant now, and am having a hard time not bumping into people with my belly. My mom kept saying that my baby was going to be born with brain defects if I keep banging into things with it.
My little brother kept telling me that my baby was going to be born hard boiled because I sat in the hot tub a couple of times. Dont worry I was careful to not let myself get too hot. And I had my Dr's okay as long as I was careful.
My mother-in law tried to kill me. Literally. Okay maybe it wasnt on purpose, but the best I can say is MAYBE. We went there one night for dinner and she fed us seafood. That was all she made, and I wasn't going to ask her to make anything else since we dont really get along. So to tide me over until we could get back to my parents house, I ate a few pieces. Then later on she mentioned that some of the pieces had been cooked a week earlier and she simply heated them up. Uh-oh. Not only was I eating seafood, but leftover seafood. I was fine for about a day after, minus the swollen feet. But the day after that, christmas, I was so sick. I couldnt eat anything all day and was swollen everywhere. And I had not swelled up at all prior to this (or after btw), so I was a little worried. And then the puking came. Hubby simply rolled over and pretended to be asleep (thank you very much), so I went to sleep in another room so as not to disturb him because he had to drive back home the next day. I have never puked that much my entire life. Ever. I was so sick I couldnt keep water down. I was so thirsty and all I could do was suck on a freezie. I kept half of it down. But eventually I got better. Although I had a tendency to cough till I puke. Which was fun. So yay, thanks for trying to kill me Janet. You almost succeeded.
Anyway, I'm really glad to be home. I promise I will try to get back into posting regularly.